Hello welcome to my drawing machine, or Flipnotes 2! It's a drawing program with many customizable options for color and brush stroke size which you can use to make animations similar to a flipbook.
To change the color to red press 'r'
To change the color to green press 'g'
To change the color to blue press 'b'
To change the color to teal press 't'
To change the color to orange press 'o'
To change the color to yellow press 'y'
To change the color to pink press 'p'
To change the color to violet press 'v'
To change the color to the default black press 'd'
To change the color to white press 'w'
To change the color to a random color press 'a'
To change the size slightly bigger press '['
To change the size a lot bigger press '{' or shift and '['
To change the size slightly smaller press ']'
To change the size a lot smaller press '}' or shift and ']'
To clear the drawing press 'c'
To save your drawing press 's'
To create your own custom color:
To change the base color more red press '1'
To change the base color less red press '2'
To change the base color more blue press '3'
To change the base color less blue press '4'
To change the base color more green press '5'
To change the base color less green press '6'